From: Jarmo Suominen
The VIRAPS-system is a database diven Web-based application allowing inhabitants to participate in the planning and design of their homes and immediate environments Flows of information and decision-making systems in the building process are relatively complex and involve a large number of players from politics, planning, financing and industry. The consumers have, until lately, had very little influence on the outcome of the process, mainly only when they've been a part of an experimental housing project. The consumers have, however, become more vocal in expressing their desires and construction companies are facing the problem of accommodating these wishes into the tight schedules of the existing building process. Furthermore, the further down the building process the changes occur, the more expensive they are for the consumer and the more pressure they put on communication within the process. Therefore the VIRAPS system has been constructed with two goals in mind: firstly to support decision-making process in the consumer end and secondly to facilitate reorganization and communication between the different companies in the building chain.

The VIRAPS-system is divided into to sections: a business-to-business section and consumer section. The business-to-customer side allows consumers make a number of choices concerning their future apartments based on the material presented on the VIRAPS Service www-pages. The VIRAPS databank gathers this material from the public sections of databanks of companies and institutions involved in the building process. From the professional point of view, the consumer becomes just another information producer within the whole building process. In the business-to-customer section choices can be made on three levels: 01.The Environment (city, area, neighborhood) 02.The Building (immediate environment, location in floor and plan, apartment size) and 03.The Apartment (organization, materials, finishes and fixtures). This division is supported by consumer studies on one hand and observations on the building chain on the other.

1 comment:
A SUPPORTED BY THE DEVELOPER TOOLS? It was interesting. You seem very knowledgeable in ypour field.
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